119 Calories per 100g

Millet: Complete Amino Acid Profile

Millet: Considered a good source of amino acids?

Yes, millet is a good source of amino acids. Amino acids are essential for building muscle and repairing tissues, so they play an important role in maintaining overall health. Millet is a whole grain known as a pseudo-cereal and contains all nine of the essential amino acids that are required by the body to form proteins. It also has a good balance of both branched-chain and non-branched-chain amino acids. Millet contains high levels of the non-essential amino acid arginine, which is beneficial for promoting healthy cardiovascular function. Additionally, it provides lysine, leucine, isoleucine and threonine, which are all thought to be important in preserving or increasing muscle mass when coupled with adequate exercise. Also present in millet are glutamic acid and aspartic acid, two amino acids that can help provide energy and strength during exercise.