32 Calories per 100g

Turnip Greens: Complete Mineral Profile

Turnip Greens: Considered a good source of minerals?

Yes, turnip greens are an excellent source of minerals. They contain a variety of important minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Potassium is essential for proper nerve and muscle function and helps to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and fluid balance in the body. Magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes and contributes to healthy bones and teeth; it also strengthens the immune system. Calcium is essential for strong bones, cartilage, and teeth, as well as aiding other cellular processes such as muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Phosphorus aids energy production and helps the body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It’s essential for growth and repair of muscle, bone, and tissue. Lastly, Iron plays an important role in transporting oxygen throughout the body and is necessary for red blood cell formation. Turnip greens are especially high in both Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which provide additional health benefits that may not be found in other sources of minerals.