619 Calories per 100g

Black Walnuts: Complete Sugars and Carbohydrate Profile

Black Walnuts: Considered a good source of carbohydrates?

Yes, black walnuts are a good source of lipids. This is because the nuts contain high amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are linked to reduced cardiovascular risk factors and improved cholesterol profiles. The oils in black walnuts also help maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails due to their high levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs). In addition, these EFAs are important for neurological development, as they play a role in producing hormones within the body. Aside from that, black walnuts also provide an excellent source of energy, since it contains zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin E, and other vitamins and minerals. These nutrients all work together to boost immunity, brain activity, and physical performance while aiding digestion and reducing inflammation. Thus, overall, black walnuts may be considered one of the best sources of dietary lipids available given its rich nutrient profile.