277 Calories per 100g

Dates (medjool): Complete Vitamin Profile

Dates (medjool): Considered a good source of vitamins?

Dates (medjool) can be a great source of vitamins. Dates contain an impressive array of essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Specifically, 100 grams of medjool dates provide 15% of the recommended daily intake for thiamin, 20% for riboflavin, 29% for vitamin B-6, 6% for iron and 3.3 mg of zinc. Additionally, Medjool dates are one of the highest sources of dietary potassium with over 660mg per 100grams. Potassium is needed for heart health, muscle strength and counteracting effects of sodium. Aside from this, dates are other important nutrients including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, selenium and pantothenic acid. Finally, dates even have smaller concentrations of antioxidants like carotenoids and phenolic acids which help to protect believe disease or infections. All in all, dates are a great source of vitamins so it's wise to work them into your diet.