53 Calories per 100g

Groundcherries: Complete Vitamin Profile

Groundcherries: Considered a good source of vitamins?

Groundcherries are a good source of vitamins, specifically Vitamin C and the B Vitamins. Groundcherries contain high levels of Vitamin C which is an essential vitamin for many bodily functions including wound healing, maintaining healthy skin and bones, aiding in iron absorption and reducing oxidative stress in cells. Additionally, groundcherries are a rich source of several of the B vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3). These B vitamins are important components in helping to convert carbohydrates into energy, contributing to brain development and supporting metabolism. While groundcherries provide some valuable nutrients, they should not be relied on as the only dietary source of vitamins because they contain fewer quantities of certain other vitamins than larger fruit such as oranges or blueberries.