per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 11.2 g
Proteins 1.9 g
Fats 0.7 g
Water 85.4 g
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 0.8 grams


53 Calories per 100g

You've probably seen them at the farmers market or in a grocery store—those little husks with a bright orange fruit inside. But what exactly are these unique fruits? Are they an exotic new discovery from a remote corner of the world, or something that's been around for ages, just waiting to be discovered by the rest of us? The answer is surprisingly simple: the unique, tart-sweet fruit inside is called a groundcherry, and it's been around for centuries.

Groundcherries are a relative of the tomato, belonging to the nightshade family of fruits and vegetables. They grow in the form of small, bright orange fruits enclosed in papery husks that look reminiscent of cape gooseberries, but are smaller and more delicate. They are native to Central and South America, but can be found around the world in various climates that support their growth.

Though not widely known and eaten, groundcherries have actually been around since pre-Colombian times, and they were grown by the Aztecs and Incas. In America and Europe, they come and go, but the groundcherry can still be found in the markets of many countries.

The fruit itself is small and round, with an orange skin and yellow-white flesh that can be quite tart. The taste of the fruit is similar to a pineapple, and reminds some people of cherries. Some describe the flavor as combining the tartness of cranberries with the sweetness of apricots.

Groundcherries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, and have been linked to a number of health benefits. They are said to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce the symptoms of certain conditions such as asthma or arthritis. The high concentrations of vitamin C can help keep the immune system strong and maintain collagen production.

Traditional cooking uses of the groundcherry are mainly as jams, jellies and sauces, often with a sweet and tart flavor that provides a nice contrast to heavier meat dishes. They can also be eaten fresh, either on their own or as a component of salads or fruit cups. For a more contemporary twist, they can be blended into smoothies, used as a topping for ice cream or yogurt, or added to baked goods.

When buying groundcherries, look for husks that are still attached to the fruit, as they will help keep it fresh. The husks can usually be peeled off and discarded once the fruit is ready to be used. Keep the groundcherries stored in the refrigerator, as they cannot withstand too much heat. For this reason, they are best enjoyed fresh.

Groundcherries are a unique and flavorful fruit that have been around for centuries. With its sweet-tart flavor, antioxidant power and potential for a variety of culinary uses, the groundcherry is becoming increasingly more popular in many parts of the world. Whether you choose to eat them fresh or use them in dishes, the groundcherry is a tasty way to get some health benefits while also enjoying a unique flavor experience.