99 Calories per 100g

Pork Lungs: Complete Mineral Profile

Pork Lungs: Considered a good source of minerals?

Pork lungs are not considered a good source of minerals. They do contain some essential vitamins and minerals, but they pale in comparison to other foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, dairy products, and whole grains that contain greater amounts of these nutrients.

When it comes to minerals, pork lungs are particularly poor sources. Pork lung does have small amounts of calcium and iron, however most experts recommend obtaining higher levels of these minerals from animal-based or plant-based sources respectively. In addition, pork lung contains little phytochemicals which are vital for overall health since they play an important role in protecting the body against disease.

In conclusion, pork lungs are not recommended as a primary source of minerals. Your best bet is to obtain vitamins and minerals from a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.