172 Calories per 100g

Soy Beans: Complete Amino Acid Profile

Soy Beans: Considered a good source of amino acids?

Yes, soy beans are an excellent source of amino acids. Soybeans contain all eight essential amino acids, as well as several non-essential ones. These amino acids provide the building blocks for protein that helps build and repair muscle tissue, organs, blood cells, hormones, enzymes, and even skin tissues. Additionally, soybeans possess some unique properties that make them a particularly beneficial food source when it comes to dietary needs. Firstly, they contain high levels of isoflavones, which have been shown to protect against numerous health issues, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other age-related conditions. Secondly, they also help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels while increasing HDL or “good” cholesterol levels in the body. Finally, research has indicated that consuming soybeans could potentially act as a natural way to boost immune functions and improve overall brain functioning. Overall, soybeans can constitute an extremely beneficial component of any balanced diet by providing significant portions of nutrition and protection from illness.