Chicken Teriyaki Recipe: Great Taste. Simple Directions.

Make the perfect Chicken Teriyaki

Chicken Teriyaki is a dish that is popular in Japanese cuisine. The chicken is marinated in a soy sauce and mirin mixture, and then grilled or broiled. The dish can be served with rice, noodles, or vegetables.

Chicken Teriyaki is a dish that is both flavorful and easy to make. The chicken is first marinated in a soy sauce and mirin mixture, which gives it a sweet and savory flavor. The chicken is then grilled or broiled, which gives it a slightly charred flavor. The dish can be served with rice, noodles, or vegetables.

Chicken Teriyaki is a popular dish in Japanese cuisine because it is both flavorful and easy to make. The chicken is marinated in a soy sauce and mirin mixture, which gives it a sweet and savory flavor. The chicken is then grilled or broiled, which gives it a slightly charred flavor. The dish can be served with rice, noodles, or vegetables.

Chicken Teriyaki ‐ What It Tastes Like

When it comes to delicious Asian-inspired dishes, Chicken Teriyaki is one of the most beloved flavors around the world. With its sweet and savory notes, Chicken Teriyaki is a dish that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter their taste preferences.

The flavor of Chicken Teriyaki is a combination of sweet and savory, with a hint of tangy umami. The sweetness comes from the teriyaki sauce, which is usually made with a combination of soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar. The soy sauce adds a salty, umami flavor while the mirin, sake, and sugar give it a hint of sweetness. The savory flavors come from the chicken, which is usually marinated in a mix of soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and other seasonings to give it a unique and delicious flavor.

When it comes to the texture of Chicken Teriyaki, it can range from tender and juicy to slightly crispy. The marinade helps to tenderize the chicken and also gives it a nice glaze which helps to lock in moisture. If you are looking for a more crispy texture, you can opt for a shorter marinating time or increase the amount of sugar in the marinade.

The aroma of Chicken Teriyaki is one of its most beloved aspects. When the chicken is cooked and the teriyaki sauce is poured over it, the smell of the sweet and savory sauce fills the air, creating an incredibly inviting aroma. The scent of the garlic, ginger, and soy sauce blend together to create a unique and irresistible smell that will make your mouth water.

When it comes to serving Chicken Teriyaki, it is usually served over steamed white rice or alongside a side of vegetables. The combination of the sweet and savory flavors of the teriyaki with the nutty flavor of the rice makes for a delicious meal that is sure to please. You can also serve it over noodles or even a salad for a light and healthy meal.

No matter how you choose to serve it, Chicken Teriyaki is sure to be a hit with anyone who tries it. The sweet and savory flavors, the tender texture, and the irresistible aroma make it an unforgettable dish that can be enjoyed by everyone. So next time you’re looking for a flavorful and satisfying meal, give Chicken Teriyaki a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Chicken Teriyaki ‐ Is it healthy for you?

When it comes to deciding whether or not a meal is healthy, it's all about looking at the ingredients and their respective nutritional values. Chicken teriyaki, a popular dish in many Asian cultures, is no exception.

Chicken teriyaki is a dish made of chicken cooked in a teriyaki sauce, which is a combination of soy sauce, sugar, sake, and mirin. The dish is often served over rice and can also be accompanied by a variety of vegetables.

The first factor to consider when judging the healthfulness of this dish is the chicken. Chicken is a lean source of protein, meaning it is low in fat and calories. A 3-ounce portion of cooked, skinless chicken contains about 140 calories and 3 grams of fat, making it a great choice for those who are trying to watch their weight. Furthermore, chicken is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals such as niacin, vitamin B6, and phosphorus.

The second factor to consider is the teriyaki sauce. While the sauce is often thought of as being unhealthy due to its high sugar and sodium content, it can be made with healthy ingredients. For example, you can use reduced-sodium soy sauce and natural sweeteners such as honey or agave nectar. Additionally, you can add extra vegetables such as mushrooms, peppers, and onions to the sauce, which will increase its nutritional value.

The third factor to consider is the accompanying side dishes. Rice is a staple of Asian cuisine, and while it is not necessarily unhealthy, it is important to note that white rice is a refined carbohydrate, meaning it is low in fiber and other nutrients. Therefore, it is best to opt for brown rice or other whole grain alternatives. As for vegetables, they are always a great addition to any meal as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Overall, chicken teriyaki can be considered a healthy meal if the ingredients are chosen carefully. It is important to remember that the key to a healthy diet is moderation and balance, so it is best to enjoy this dish in moderation and combine it with other healthy ingredients.

Chicken Teriyaki ‐ Is it Gluten Free?

If you love Asian cuisine but are trying to follow a gluten-free diet, you might be wondering if Chicken Teriyaki is an option. The answer is a little complicated because it depends on the ingredients used to make the dish.

Chicken Teriyaki is a Japanese dish that consists of a marinated chicken thigh, grilled or pan-fried, served with a sweet-savory teriyaki sauce. Traditional teriyaki sauce contains soy sauce, mirin (sweet rice wine), and sugar. The soy sauce contains wheat, which is a gluten-containing grain, so it would not be considered gluten-free.

However, there are ways to make Chicken Teriyaki gluten-free. One way is to substitute the traditional soy sauce with a gluten-free version. There are several brands of gluten-free soy sauce on the market, so you should be able to find one that suits your taste. It is important to read the label carefully as some brands may contain wheat or other gluten-containing ingredients.

Another way to make Chicken Teriyaki gluten-free is to use tamari sauce instead of soy sauce. Tamari is a type of Japanese soy sauce that is made without wheat, so it is naturally gluten-free. It has a slightly stronger flavor than traditional soy sauce, so it may take some getting used to, but it does make a good substitution.

You can also make your own teriyaki sauce from scratch using gluten-free ingredients. This is the best way to ensure that your Chicken Teriyaki is completely free from gluten. All you need is some gluten-free soy sauce, mirin, sugar, garlic, ginger, and sesame oil. Simply mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and use it to marinate the chicken before cooking.

To sum up, yes, Chicken Teriyaki can be made gluten-free. However, it is important to pay attention to the ingredients used and to make sure that any soy sauce or teriyaki sauce you use is gluten-free. You can also make your own teriyaki sauce if you want to be extra sure that it is gluten-free.

Chicken Teriyaki ‐ Preparation Time

Ah, Chicken Teriyaki. A staple of Japanese cuisine, this dish has been a favorite of diners around the world for decades. There’s something incredibly satisfying about the combination of sweet and savory flavors that make this dish so popular. But what’s the best way to prepare this classic dish? Well, the preparation time of Chicken Teriyaki depends on a few different factors, such as the type of chicken used, the marinade, and the cooking method. Let’s take a closer look at each of these aspects to get a better understanding of how much time it takes to make this delicious meal.

When it comes to the type of chicken used for Chicken Teriyaki, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are the most popular choice. This type of chicken is easy to work with and cooks quickly, which makes it ideal for this dish. If you’re looking to save some time, you can also opt for precooked chicken, such as rotisserie chicken, which will cut down on your preparation time.

The marinade is an important part of making Chicken Teriyaki. A traditional marinade is made with soy sauce, mirin (sweet rice wine), sugar, garlic, and ginger. The marinade helps to add flavor to the chicken and tenderize it. The marinade should be left on the chicken for at least two hours, but it can be left overnight for a deeper flavor.

Finally, the cooking method can also affect the preparation time of Chicken Teriyaki. The most common way to cook the chicken is to pan-fry it, but it can also be grilled or baked. Pan-frying takes the least amount of time and is the quickest way to cook the chicken, while baking takes the longest. If you’re looking to save some time, grilling is a great option as it’s relatively quick and easy.

Overall, the preparation time of Chicken Teriyaki varies depending on the type of chicken used, the marinade, and the cooking method. However, it’s generally a relatively quick and easy meal to make. With a few simple ingredients and a little bit of time, you can have a delicious Japanese favorite ready to enjoy in no time.

Chicken Teriyaki ‐ Serving Size

Chicken Teriyaki is a beloved Japanese dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. Its tantalizing combination of sweet and savory flavors has made it a favorite among diners of all ages. But as with any dish, it's important to understand the proper serving size of Chicken Teriyaki to maximize its health benefits and ensure you're getting the most out of your meal.

When it comes to serving size, it's important to note that the amount of Chicken Teriyaki served will vary depending on the size of the dish and the number of people eating. Generally speaking, a single serving of Chicken Teriyaki should be around 3 ounces – or about the size of a deck of cards. However, if you are serving multiple people, you may want to increase the portion size to 4 or 5 ounces per person.

It's also important to consider the side dishes you plan to serve with your Chicken Teriyaki. For instance, if you plan on having a salad or a bowl of rice to accompany the main dish, you will likely want to increase the portion size to ensure everyone has enough to fill up. On the other hand, if you are only serving a small side dish, you may want to reduce the portion size of the Chicken Teriyaki to ensure that each person has enough room to enjoy the side dish.

In addition to portion size, it's important to make sure you are getting enough of the healthy ingredients in your Chicken Teriyaki. The dish is typically made with chicken, soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, and ginger. All of these ingredients are incredibly nutritious and can be a great source of vitamins and minerals. To make sure you are getting the most out of your meal, make sure you are using a generous amount of each ingredient.

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that the serving size of Chicken Teriyaki may vary depending on the occasion. If you are serving the dish for a special occasion, you may want to increase the portion size to make sure that your guests are well-fed. On the other hand, if you are serving the dish for a casual dinner at home, you may want to reduce the portion size to avoid unnecessary waste.

In conclusion, understanding the proper serving size of Chicken Teriyaki is important to ensure you get the most out of your meal. A single serving should be around 3 ounces, but you may want to adjust the portion size based on the number of people eating and the side dishes you plan on serving. Additionally, make sure you are using a generous amount of the healthy ingredients in your Chicken Teriyaki to maximize its nutritional value. Finally, keep in mind that the serving size may vary depending on the occasion.

Recipe for Chicken Teriyaki


- 1 lb chicken breast, cut into small strips

- 2 tbsp soy sauce

- 1 tbsp honey

- 2 tbsp vegetable oil

- 3 cloves garlic, minced

- 1/2 tsp ground ginger

- 1/4 cup chicken broth

- 1 green onion, thinly sliced


1. In a large bowl, whisk together soy sauce, honey, vegetable oil, garlic, ginger and chicken broth.

2. Add chicken strips to the bowl and coat evenly with the marinade. Let sit for at least 30 minutes.

3. Preheat a grill or grill pan over medium-high heat.

4. Grill chicken strips for 5-7 minutes per side, until cooked through.

5. Serve chicken strips on a platter, garnished with green onion slices.